- Highlights and main takeaways of recent State Education Technology Director’s Association (SETDA) report.
- 2022 KY K-12 Cybersecurity Healthcheck report.
- KY K-12 EdTech contracts status (e.g., KY K-12 Internet RFP).
- Status of KETS offers of financial assistance to districts (SFCC approval, etc.)
- Update: upcoming Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) regional and state championship
- Being frugal with Internet (as it relates to the topics below).
- The five questions that need to be asked before beginning every technology enabled initiative as it relates to topics below.
- The seven main details of consideration for those 5 questions as it relates to topics below:
- OET’s relationship to other organizations (e.g., 2 state agencies (KET, KHSAA), tech vendor (DMD-Volta), districts (JCPS, FCPS, other smaller districts) and other KDE offices as a way to highlight the importance of great partnerships. Will make some teaching points and provide updates on projects that we are working together on.
· Kentucky Educational Television (KET) is an example of a great partnership between state agencies for 50 years while also giving an update on a few key things that our two organizations are working cooperatively together on right now that impact KY K-12 students and staff at school and beyond the school campus (e.g., ATSC 3.0/ NextGen TV, KET’s Network Center Infrastructure upgrade, KY K-12 students Online Learning Experience Collaborative project, PBS Learning Media, Virtual Labs, News Quiz, K-12 PD, STLP, KySTE, and new public safety project). SPOTLIGHT ATSC 3.0
· Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA) is an example of a great partnership between state agencies for 30 years while also giving an update on a few key things that our two organizations (i.e., OET and KHSAA) are working cooperatively together on right now in the area of technology enabled systems that impact KY K-12 students and staff at KY K-12 school campus and beyond the school campus (e.g., school information systems (IC)/portal, game film video exchange/edits/viewing (HUDL), broadcasting/viewing of live/on demand sports events through Pixellot & National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) apps, KHSAA eSports, GoFAN electric ticketing).
- Eastern KY campgrounds as it relates to EdTech for those flooded districts and all other districts
- Update on special Stilwell award in districts. Upcoming Red Suspenders Day