- Welcome: Robb Smith, Council Char and Superintendent, Bellevue Independent
- Roll Call of Members: Natasha Stein, Assistant Director, Division of School and Program Improvement, Kentucky Department of Education
- Kentucky Family and School Partnerships: Kathy Burkhardt, Senior Director, Learning Grove
- High-Quality Instructional Resources: Micki Ray, Chief Academic Officer, Office of Teaching and Learning, Kentucky Department of Education
- Educator Well-Being: Judi Vanderhaar, Program Consultant, and Michelle Nichols, Program Consultant, Kentucky Department of Education
- Adjournment: Robb Smith, Council Chair and Superintendent, Bellevue Independent
- Assessment and Accountability
- Advisory Groups
- Career and Technical Education
- Continuous Improvement
- Curriculum and Teaching
- Educator Licensure and Effectiveness
- Federal Programs
- Finance
- Leadership
- School and Community Nutrition
- School Counseling
- School Health Services
- Special Education and Early Learning
- Technology