- Welcome
Jason E. Glass, Ed.D., Commissioner, Kentucky Department of Education
- Roll Call of Members
Susan Cintra, TAC Chairperson, Madison County Schools
III. Approve September 2021 Summary Minutes
Susan Cintra, TAC Chairperson, Madison County Schools
- Update on Ex Officio Teacher Selection to the Kentucky Board of Education
Toni Konz Tatman, Chief Communications Officer, Kentucky Department of Education
- Update on KDE’s Equity Toolkit
Thomas-Woods Tucker, Ph.D, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Equity Officer, Kentucky Department of Education
- High-Quality Instructional Resources (HQIRs)
Misty Higgins and Carrie McDaniel, Professional Learning Coordinators, Division of Program Standards, Kentucky Department of Education
Guiding Question: What recommendations or feedback might you provide on additional supports for schools and districts regarding the local CDP and the selection and evaluation of HQIRs? How do we build better awareness around these definitions and the existing resources to support this important work?
VII. Passing Notes Project Update
Donnie Piercy, Kentucky Teacher of the Year
Guiding Questions: How might members of TAC support the project?
VIII. KY Family Friendly Schools and New Statewide Resources
Brooke Gill, Family Engagement Director, Prichard Committee
Guiding Questions: What information might be useful to learn from the pilot participants throughout this process? How do you anticipate using these materials?
- Announcements
Susan Cintra, TAC Chairperson, Madison County Schools
- Adjournment
Future Meetings:
March 15, 2022 (3rd Quarter)
June 14, 2022 (4th Quarter)